Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Forex Hosting

You may have read that purchasing a Forex hosting package is highly recommended when trading forex online. Forex hosting services, sometimes referred to as Virtual Process Servers, are important for individual online traders who desire the extra peace of mind while buying and selling forex currencies everyday. Forex hosting packages not only give individual traders greater flexibility as far as where and when trades can be made but also give traders the ability to execute trades as smoothly as possible.

What exactly is a forex hosting service or a Virtual Process Server? Forex Hosting Services are recommended for online traders because it almost guarantees 100 percent smooth processing of trades. To put it simply, a VPS is a hosting device that will allow you to run your trading platform at all times, 24 hours a day. Purchasing a forex hosting service will give you a back up or “virtual” computer which you can access from any internet connection. With a dedicated forex hosting service, traders don’t have to worry about their computers crashing or their internet service providers suspending or cutting service due to whatever reasons while trying to make critical trades.

Forex Hosting Services are especially recommended for those who purchase automatic trading systems or Forex Robots. Most forex robots require their software to run 24 hours a day. Without a VPS, this would mean you would have to leave your computer on throughout the night and hope that your system doesn’t “shut down,” or “crash” due to a power failure or due to a problem with your PC. Since forex robots can trade at any time during the day or night, you really don’t want to risk missing out on profitable trades because your spouse accidentally turns off the computer. A forex hosting service will eliminate these types of potential mishaps.

Forex Hosting Services can run anywhere from about $24.00 per month to $150.00 a month. The pricing varies depending on the hosting company and the type of package you select. The more memory and processing power required on your “virtual” computer or desktop package, the more expensive the price. Depending on the forex robot you select, you may need more RAM or memory from your hosting provider. For example, if you are running multiple forex robots on multiple forex accounts, you would require more RAM on your virtual machine. The pricier options are more suited for the hardcore forex traders so if you are just starting out, you can certainly opt for the cheaper options.

Forex hosting services will greatly reduce the risk of a missed trade or poor execution. There are many hosting companies that provide virtual process servers but they are not necessarily tailored to forex robots. Perhaps the most convenient aspect is that many forex hosting companies will have trading platforms pre-installed on your machine or can help you with the set up if you are using it in combination with a forex robot. By purchasing this type of service, you will optimize not only your forex robot but also your forex trading capabilities to the fullest.

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